Elden Ring Oynanış Süresi Kaç Saat?

Elden Ring oynanış süresi hakkında belirli bir rakam açıklanmamış olsa da, FromSoftware’ın önceki oyunlarına benzer şekilde oyunun uzun bir oynanış süresi olması bekleniyor. İleri seviye zorluk seviyesi, kitlesel düşmanlar ve karmaşık haritalar gibi özellikler göz önüne alındığında, oyuncuların yaklaşık 30-40 saatlik bir oynanış süresi beklemesi mümkün olabilir. Ancak bu tahminler tamamen spekülatif olup, oyunun çıkışından sonra düzgün bir oynanış süresine sahip olduğu ortaya çıkacaktır.

Elden Ring is a game that attracts players with its challenging structure and vast open world. How long is the gameplay duration? Let’s take a closer look.

The legendary studio FromSoftware, known for the Dark Souls series and the Souls-like genre, has created the highly anticipated game Elden Ring, which is loved by many. Like other games in the series, the game will be around for years to come, which means it will continue to reach new players every day. Of course, for those who will buy the game, a crucial question is how long they will spend playing it. Let’s clarify this issue with this article.

Also, if you are curious about the Souls-like genre, we previously answered this question in an article on our site.

What is Souls-like?

How Long is Elden Ring?

  • If you want to explore all the content of the game, it will take quite a while, about 140 hours to complete.
  • According to statistics, if you only want to complete the main story and side quests, the game can take up to 100 hours.
  • If you’re short on time and merely want to complete the main story, it can take around 55-60 hours.

Souls-like games are known for their challenging level designs and frustrating enemies. If you are not familiar with this genre, we regret to inform you that these durations could take much longer for you. These numbers are compiled from statistics of players who have completed the game, most of whom are familiar with the genre.

On the other hand, this game has also led to the formation of a fascinating community. We often see players defeating tough end-of-level monsters or using bizarre technologies to progress. Doesn’t it make fun of the concept of ‘difficulty?’ Below is an example.

So, do you think there will be players from our country who will try to play the game with a wedding keyboard or bağlama? See you in our next content, take care of yourselves.

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